
Physical constants

e = 1,6021917 10 -19 [C] (Coulomb)

me = 9,109558 10 -31 [kg] (kilogram)

ε0 = 8,854 10 -12 [F m -1] (Farad divided by meters)

c = 2,997925 10 8 [m s -1] (a meter divided by one seconds)

I0 = 4,58 10 -6 [J m -3 ] (Joules divided by cubic meter) - calculated from solar constant

Im = 4,210 -14 [J m -3 ] Background radiation energy density

G = 6,67 10 -11 [m3 kg -1 s -2] (cubic meters divided by kilograms and the square of a second)

NA = 6,022 10 23 - Avogadro's number - number of atoms in one mole of a member

Π = 3,141592654

Uncompressed terms, labels

Energy of a photon
(1/2 + 1) corresponds (½ + 1)hν = 32
h - Planck's constant
h = 6,626 10-34 J·s (Joule × second)
ν = frequency in s -1